
LONGEVITY AND CHRONIC DISEASES  EDUCATION AND REJUVENATION RETREATS IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH IN THE EASTERN PYRÉNÉES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION (With health tourism possibilitiesto Lourdes, Cathares region & North-Eastern Spain) To  view the Mediterranean Center’s Spiritual Pilgrimage, click here)
Top: the Center’s  local environment: the waterfall river  is on the French campus’ property. The Mediterranean Sea is  about one hour away. In the center picture, A French monastry in the Cathar region, about one hour and a half from the  Mediterranean Holistic Center of the Pyrénées.
To view the Mediterranean Holistic  Rejuvenation Retreat in Details,  click here
To view the Center’s Spiritual Pilgrimage to Lourdes and elsewhere, click here
Both these happenings will occur during the 2019 Summer. Dates pending
In this ten days retreat,  holistic oncologist & longevity expert Christian Joubert will give you the knowledge and tools to benefit from an extra 30 to 40 years of Life-span and vitality without the hassles of the major chronic diseases that most of the elderly and baby-boomers die and suffer from.
Because cancer is the first cause of suffering and death for those who are over 85 years old, we will also review a few key tips to avoid and reverse this disease. By doing so, you will know what to do and what not to do insofar as avoiding and reversing most of the other chronic diseases that have been plaguing post-industrial communities.

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Top: The Eastern Pyrénées’ coast, about one hour by car from the Holistic Center
Once each participant has rested and is restored from the voyage with the Center’s raw juicing, energy elixirs and musico-therapy, a member of the staff will examing each participant’s ailments, complaints, medical records, medications, supplements, lifestyle, stress level, wish list and beliefs system, after which a list of the best holistic techniques and disease reversal workshops for each participant will be identified and proposed. On day two, Monday, the health-education retreat begins.
 Top: The French Center’s central house, which  is located within three hours of the Lourdes pilgrimage village where participants can stay couple days and relish in cultural-green tourism, history, spiritual practice and its healing waters .
Below, a typical health education retreat day made up of four to five hours of seminars and four to five hours of detox-revitalisation. These retreats are presently offered only in the French campus. This health-building education training program starts on day two of the retreat. During the course of the week, the holistic health techniques which are offered vary. In general, we propose to follow the Center’s holistic seventeen rejuvenation life enhancement processes. The second day (below) is but a general restoration program. Day three starts the actual chronic disease reversal program. Once enrolled, the participant will be informed on its detailed content.
1. Up at around sun rise: milk of clay detox drink to be followed with kidney and liver cleansing herbal teas. Meditation. Juicing.
2. One hour seminar on the history of science and medicine (a), on health freedoms and medical law (b), on different health systems in the world and the World Health Organization (c) and on chronic diseases epidemiology (ie, analysis on why certain parts of the world have no or few chronic diseases and live long happy lives). (d).
3. Breakfast consisting of raw vegan superfoods. And the Center’s raw organic cacao energy bars. Before and-or after eating, sun bathing, stretching with breathing exercises. Creative visualisation with tapping and-or acu-pressuring.
4. One hour seminar on the evidence that modern allopathic medicine for chronic diseases is an expensive failure, notwithstanding a few successes (a), the evidence of “spontaneous remissions” and chronic diseases reversal (b) the principles and strengths of holistic and integrative medicine (c) synthesis on recent novelties and “break-throughs” highlighted in different cancer and chronic diseases symposia (eg, American academy of advanced medicine (acam), cancer control conference and other fora) (d).
5. Free time. Meditation. Aromatherapy. Wine therapy : Lunch. Raw vegan and-or Mediterranean diet type of foods. With possible exceptions, based on individual needs and reasonable desires, see the Center’s food and wine sections.
6. Siesta followed by musico-therapy with these following options: walking barefooted in the river, reflexology, oxygen therapies, (hyperbaric oxygen chamber, ozone session, balneotheray with hydrogen peroxide & aromatherapy), helio-therapy, hyperthermia via fir sauna and-or other energy enhancement activities from the general holistic techniques program (ie dozens of techniques to choose from within the seventeen holistic restoration processes).
7. One hour conference on the two following subjects: raw living foods (a) and anti-aging medicine (longevity), in light of recent findings including a synthesis of the Las Vegas anti-aging three days symposium (b).
8. Pulsed electro-magneto therapy and-or hyperbaric oxygen chamber session (*) followed by juicing. And light superfoods soup super, with a small raw-based phyto-nutrient rich smoothie.
9. One hour conference on concrete case studies from holistic medicine (eg, from cancer reversals, to cardio-vascular, diabetes, obesity, Parkinson’s, asthma, Alzheimer’s (among many other pathologies) reversals and-or significant reduction of symptoms with non-invasive natural holistic techniques).
10. Promenade outdoors identifying medicinal plants and mushrooms, exercises and-or lymphatic massage and-or rebounding. Herbal immuno-fortifying tea
11. One hour inter-active workshop on psycho-neuro-immunology, on the placebo-nocebo connection, on emotions, trauma and destressing techniques.
12. Free time: Dvd and books on holistic health and sustainability, warm foot baths, soft aromatherapy, art-therapy, music and deep sleep.
On the last two day of the ten day workshop retreat, there will be a second discussion between a staff expert and the participant on a personalized health restoration plan of action with precision on follow-up (where to find active molecules, supplements, coordination with the participant’s health team and whatever may be needed) to be followed with staff precisions and-or suggestions on which holitic techniques may be the most beneficial for a participant’s health maintenance and-or health restoration program. The remainder of the day is devoted to free time in using the Center’s facilities and documentaries. Saturday, Sabbath is devoted to holistic celebration, creative visualization, a review of what was learnt and free time. Participants leave on day ten whenever they want.
Top: the Canigou Catalan mountain where the French  Center and itsorganic certified berries reside
The ten days holistic retreat is made up of the following services: 40 hours of health education. 40 hours of specific and individualized health-building. Quality organic superfoods, meals and wines (ie, when indicated and in small doses). Two hours of consultation on fine-tuning via a personalized health restoration program for each participant. Access to the Center’s library and spa-exercises-hyperbaric-sauna center. (*) Use of all of the other holistic techniques that may be offered. Courtesy water and wine. Optional hikes and training certification.
The four French workshops are as follows: Longevity science (a): chronic diseases and cancer (b) Living foods and health (c) and legal training for health professioals (d). Click here for the details relative to the French campus’ education program
PRICE: Two  thousands & two hundred dollars: Which includes education, fitness and detox program, lodging, food and documents.
Because emotional support is vital to the healing process, a participant who is suffereing from an advanced chronic disease may bring a spouse or significant other or close family member at no extra charges except for meals. For two, this would come out to 1100 dollars each. To our knowledge, there are few if any Retreat Centers as low as this fee.

Immune-modulation workshop

The four French workshops are as follows: Longevity science (a): chronic diseases and cancer (b) Living foods, acupuncture and Tibetan medicine (c) and legal training for health professionals (d). See the workshops list, under the link “ateliers”


 Over 300 days of sun in this Mediterranean area.The property is at 700 metres in altitude, all water comes from cold springs and the environment is pristine and exuberant with Life. Capacity: ten to twelve participants per retreat.

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The Center can organize Fitness, Sleep, Yoga, Fasting & Spiritual Retreats
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed bythe thingsthat you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.

smiley sun

Precision Notes

(*). In order to invest in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, we are waiting for more funds. Pending the integration of these technologies, we will teach holistic techniques that can partially mimick some of their effects and benefits. We are also seeking to acquire an “altitude pressure” chamber (this non-medical device helps to increase oxygen via the production of additional red blood cells) as well as a sea salt floating chamber, German pemf and hyperthermia machines and additional non-medical electro-boosting devices. Most chronic diseases are favored because of a lack of electrons. We will also teach you how to boost your electron reserves holistically, without machines.
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