
“…cancer is entirely preventable and largely treatable, even in advanced stages if you do not go to mainstream doctors because they are not on the right track ! (…) Metastatic CA 5 year survival is 2.5%; alternative doctors prove 38-60+% 5 year survival is possible”. The best alternative doctors are reluctant to take cases that have had chemo and radiation, as they have made the body weaker and the tumor stronger. They make the cancer harder to treat, as they do not kill the cancer stem cells, which just become more resistant to therapy. Tumor size reduction is a waste of time. The focus must switch to survival and quality of life. Focusing on making a tumor shrink with chemo/radiation is a fool’s game.” (Dr Gordon)
“If most of the cardiology industry did not mislead, coerce and intimidate patients into consenting to stents, bypass surgeries, statens and most of the other cardio-vascular drugs, it would go bankrupt over-night. This industry, like most of allopathic medicine and mainstream oncology, is partially based on mis-representations and quasi systematic violations of informed consent requirements. And most of the medical allopathic industry gets away with these irregularities thanks to an under-financed, partially incompetent, un-ethical and fully stressed-out American legal system which exists in association with statutory legislative-based “democratic-republican” rules that tend to exclude “precautionary principle” measures, the People’s welfare, Public Happiness and Reason while fully promoting the manipulative sick-care-industry and protecting its stock-holders and lobbysts who have little if any integrity, long-term financial intelligence and patriotism”. (Ch.J.)
“Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes” (Anand P, Kunnumakkara AB, Sundaram C, Harikumar KB, Tharakan ST, Lai OS, Sung B, Aggarwal BB: Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes. Pharm Res 2008, 25:2097-2116)
All information contained in this site are pedagogical in nature, not intended to give any technical, medical, legal or illegal advice. Some of the links provided are for convenience, they do not constitute a formal endorsement. The Holistic Oncology Movie team, the Holistic Wellbeing Campaign and center and the Holistic Well-Being Productions, including agents thereof and Christian Joubert bear no responsibility for the accuracy, the legality or the content of the external sites or for those subsequent links which may be invoked for informational purposes. Furthermore, not only is nothing in this website to be construed as medical and legal advise, but any and all replies, comments and posts can not be deemed to constitute either a therapist-patient nor an attorney-client relationship.
2013 – 2014 Copyright: Holitic Oncology Movie, Holistic Wellbeing Productions and Christian Joubert. All rights reserved.

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